One of the most iconic engines out there, the Chevrolet Big-Block is is still highly-coveted among drag racers, steet-roddsers and muscle car owners the world over. The LS engines are great, but there’s still something raw, unapologetic and awesome about the Chevrolet Big-Block powerhouse.
Having long since been installed into production vehicles, there are many who still provide this awesome engine in a simple, crate engine package. One of those is Ohio Speed Shops. Now offering a complete 438hp, 454 cubic-inch powerhouse package, it’s an oil pan to air cleaner crate engine ready to drop in!
The Dyno Tested 454HO 438HP 500TQ Deluxe Crate Engine
This 454 HO crate engine is a Big-Block bargain – an affordable engine with performance specs that will make you think it’s 1970 all over again, including 438 horsepower and 500 asphalt-wrinkling lb.-ft. of torque.
Engine Package Includes:
- 100% Brand New 454 Long Block
- Dyno Tested, Tune and Initial Engine Break-In
- 750CFM Holley HP Carb
- Mechanical Fuel Pump
- Fuel Pump to Carb Plumbing
- Dual Plane Aluminum Intake Manifold
- Chrome 14” Air Cleaner
- HEI Distributor (Black or Red Cap)
- Plug Wires and Looms (Black or Red)
- Premium Cast Aluminum Valve Covers with Breathers
- Polished Serpentine System A/C, 1-Wire Alt & Power Steering Pump
- Your Choice Auto or Manual Trans Flexplate/Flywheel
- Starter with Bolts
- 2-Year 50,000 Mile Limited Warranty
100% Brand New 454 Engine Package……$10,400.00

Rick Seitz is the owner and founder of AutoCentric Media, the parent company to Timeless Muscle Magazine, and has a true love and passion for all vehicles. When he isn’t tuning, testing, or competing with the magazine’s current crop of project vehicles, he’s busy tinkering and planning the next round modifications for his own cars.